Friday, March 22, 2013

Cache Valley Catholic Latinos excited about Argentinian Pope

LOGAN – As Catholics gathered for a Lent ‘fish fry’ at the Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Hyde Park on Friday, the news of Pope Francis’ election last week was fresh on their minds. The Latino pope’s ascension to the papal throne was of special significance to Catholics in Cache Valley.

The former archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Pope Francis is the first pope to come from the Western Hemisphere.

“I think most people expected it would be someone from this hemisphere,” said Reverend Father Francisco Pires, the pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. “But we were all surprised and happy at the same time to have a person that will better understand our culture and the needs of the Catholics on this side of the world.”

A large majority of Catholics in Cache Valley and the remainder of Utah are Latino.

“Within our parish we have about 700 Latino families,” said Jim Miller, a permanent deacon. “Within the state of Utah about 70 percent of the Catholics are Latino.

Matt Kershisnik of Logan said there is a larger population of Latino Catholics than Caucasian Catholics in the valley.

“We have an extremely diverse parish here,” Kershisnik said.

According to officials at the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, about 65% of their members speak Spanish, while 35% speak English as a first language.

Pope Francis’ South American background is a plus for many of the Hispanic Catholics in the parish.

“You almost identify with him personally,” said Lerona Haro-Rodriguez. “I think it’s always really important for a role model to identify himself with a group and in our case it’s with Hispanics. I was really excited.”

Rev. Pires said his congregation was pleasantly surprised by the decision of the papal conclave.

“I can see here in the Spanish community that with a Pope that speaks our language they now have that main connection,” he said.

Mariana Lopez said she broke into tears when she heard the news.

“I was crying because for us it is very important,” Mariana Lopez said. “We believe the pope is the real presence of Christ. I’m very happy.”

Teenager Rubi Gonzalez said she was shocked to find out the pope was from South America.

“I was very happy to find out we got a Hispanic pope,” she said. “We’re so used to getting someone from Europe.”

Carlos Licon is a professor of landscape architecture at Utah State University and a Catholic of the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.

“There is a pretty high level of excitement,” Licon said. “I’ve seen that here and heard it in conversations I’ve had with friends in Mexico so I think in general everybody’s very positive about it.”

Some think that the pope’s heritage will encourage the youth of the Latino community.

“Within the Latino community, we have a lot of young men and young women that are thinking of vocations,” Miller said. “When they can see a man like Pope Francis that has come from Argentina … that is now the pope … it’s got to make a lot of young people very excited and think, ‘Wow, that could be me some day.’”

Indeed, certain members of the younger generation of Latinos felt a connection to the pope.

“It’s really cool to have a Latino pope,” said Jorge Rodriguez, 14. “I think he will be a really good pope.”

Jorge’s little brother Esteban, 12, said he was very excited for the pope as well.

“My mom and my family were really excited when they saw Pope Francis coming out,” Haro-Rodriguez said. “It’s clear to see in his eyes and voice that he’s really nice and humble and he really cares for the poor.

Richard Sherlock, a professor of philosophy at Utah State University, said Francis was a divine choice for the position.

"Any new Pope would be great because it’s the pick of God,” said Sherlock. “But it’s really nice that they chose someone from a major center of Catholicism – Latin America – whose parents were from Italy, so he knows the European scene pretty well too.”

Many Cache Valley Catholics also appreciated the new pope’s decision to be called Francis. In addition to being the first South American pope, he is the first pope to take that name, in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi.

“It’s fitting for the times that he took the name of St. Francis,” Sherlock said.

He said the Saint emphasized helping those in poverty, something Pope Francis has committed he will focus on as well.

“So many people are interested in getting ahead, which means more money or a fancier car. And yet there are a billion people in this world who can’t get clean water every day,” Sherlock said. “I think St. Francis is a model for today ... for what we need to do.”

Even amid the hype generated from Francis the former pope, Benedict XVI, has not been forgotten.

"My prayers are going to him that his health concerns will be eased," said Habum Song, a junior at Utah State. "I hope he'll be alright, he is a man of God too."

Other Catholics expressed nothing but good will toward the previous head of the church.

Looking forward, the general consensus among Cache Valley Catholics was optimism and excitement about the future.

Miller said that he thinks the new pope will rejuvenate the local parish and the worldwide church.

“The election of Pope Francis is a new spring,” he said. “It’s going to bring some definite energy to the church.”

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